Every effort has been made to make key extraction as reliable as possible. There is also a facility to create a “dummy.bin” from previously extracted files, although fresh extractions should be completed where possible. Jungle Flasher v0.1.55b also brings the unique feature of dumping “Dummy.bin” from iXtreme flashed Lite-On Drives solely using S-ATA. This is a 256kb file that mimics the approximate structure of a BenQ firmware file and is automatically loaded to the source sub-tab in the FirmwareTool 32 Tab. This info is stored in one easy to use file, ”Dummy.bin”. All unique information is extracted: DVD key, unique inquiry and identify strings and drive serial information. The DVDKe圓2 tab is used to extract info from Lite‐On - the undumpable drive. Spoofed ), which can then be flashed to the target drive. With both source and target files loaded, the relevant source data can be transferred to the Target ( a.k.a. On the Target sub-tab, MD5 hash checking of iXtreme firmware files is conducted to confirm authenticity. Jungle Flasher will parse the files, identify the firmware type and display relevant information such as the all important DVD key and OSIG strings etc. The FirmwareTool 32 tab is uses to process firmware files. JungleFlasher provides several functions that up until now were carried by several different app's in both Dos and Win32. JungleFlasher is developed in conjunction with Team Jungle in an effort to bring all 360 DVD-Drive flashing functions together in one easy to use Win32 Application. NET Framework v2 and PortIO32 needs to be installed prior to using JungleFlasher. JungleFlasher is a Windows GUI program for flashing Xbox 360 DVD drives.